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How to Start a SaaS Business with No Money


Starting a SaaS business with no money is hard, but not impossible. In this video, I'm outlining for you what steps you should take if funds are tight but you have a great SaaS product idea.

You may want to consider startup funding options, but that's not always necessary, so in this video I'm going through what you can do to get started today in tech, startups and SaaS business – even with a shoestring budget.

This video is a followup to our last video on how to start a SaaS business with no ideas, you can watch that video here:
Link to Rob's article on the Stair Step Approach to Bootstrapping:


Welcome to MicroConf – Where Independent SaaS Founders Launch, Meet, Learn, and Grow! MicroConf is the world’s most trusted community for bootstrapped SaaS founders.

MicroConf is a community of SaaS founders that brings together bootstrapped and independently-funded B2B SaaS companies who are not looking to chase “unicorn status'' or venture capital.

We provide SaaS training, education and networking opportunities for other founders who are pre-product, focused on scaling their business, and looking for an exit strategy.

MicroConf began almost a decade ago. Since then, we’ve hosted 19 events with nearly 200 speakers, helped thousands of attendees, and impacted tens of thousands more through our videos and online community.

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  1. Atul Ghorpade SEO

    I belong to non tech background. So I totally got your point. Learned something new. Thanks.

    P.s. Any video you can suggest from MicroConf which covers all SaaS related things? I am okay with long video.

    1. MicroConf

      Great place to start is our “Building Your First SaaS” playlist! We’ve got 10 videos covering most of the things you should be thinking about at those early stages. But gold! bit.ly/build-your-first-saas

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