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What are the Business Benefits of Cloud Computing, IaaS, PaaS and SaaS?

What is Cloud Computing? What is IaaS? What is SaaS? What is PaaS?
Our video explains the technology behind Cloud Computing, Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), provides a comparison to traditional IT infrastructure as well as what the technology means for businesses, enterprises and government.

If you'd like to learn more about how Macquarie Telecom can help your company with its Cloud Computing needs (public & private cloud hosting, security, solutions and more) please visit us at .

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  1. Sudipta Banerjee

    The customer for PaaS service should be then software developers and vendors who collabartes to develop software and sells these products as SaaS.Please correct me if I am wrong, IaaS in the business world would be all major players players in the market Amazon , IBM , Microsoft

  2. bejsmith

    Brilliant video but I think the power station/grid analogy is flawed. While companies did move to grid supplied power, most retained their in-house generating capability as a stand-by. Just in case.
    Doing the same with IT would render the cloud model unaffordable. Moving to the cloud means disaster recovery strategies are as important as ever and that probably means stand-by arrangements with alternative cloud service providers. Just in case.

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