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💡 SaaS Ideas to Build Right Now, Before Someone Else Does ⚠️

These SaaS ideas will take off… 🚀 will you be the founder that brings them to market? Based on growing trends in the SaaS & digital world, I compiled these 6 software ideas to help you save time in market research.

If you want to grow a profitable SaaS business model, don't sleep on these ideas! My prediction is that these SaaS product ideas will blossom into profitable startups in the next year.

Article: 68 B2B SaaS Marketplaces with Opportunities for Indie Hackers

⬇️ Watch these videos next: 👀
TOP 10 Avoidable Mistakes SaaS Startups Make:
How To Build High Performing SaaS Sales Pipelines:
Building Multiple Products Side-by-Side, B2B & B2C Edition:


Welcome to MicroConf – Where Independent SaaS Founders Launch, Meet, Learn, and Grow! MicroConf is the world’s most trusted community for bootstrapped SaaS founders.

MicroConf is a community of SaaS founders that brings together bootstrapped and independently-funded B2B SaaS companies who are not looking to chase “unicorn status'' or venture capital.

We provide SaaS training, education and networking opportunities for other founders who are pre-product, focused on scaling their business, and looking for an exit strategy.

MicroConf began almost a decade ago. Since then, we’ve hosted 19 events with nearly 200 speakers, helped thousands of attendees, and impacted tens of thousands more through our videos and online community.

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    1. gideon

      @John Halley That’s impressive.
      Would love to possibly connect with you.
      I’m fairly new to the space and would appreciate some guidance, maybe we could learn a thing or 2 from each other and work together some day.
      Is email OK? maybe Instagram?

    1. Nebo

      @MicroConf boots and ladders is a Marketplace for handyman. We’ve testing Square and so far it might be better as we don’t want to take part of the money transaction. Only kickback for our service.

  1. Nathan Whitehead

    The specific ideas mentioned:
    1. Podcast production project management/workflow
    2. Applicant tracker for startup accelerators/universities
    3. Pricing pages as a service
    4. Zapier for X (medical, legal, construction, architecture, interior design)
    5. Intercom/Drift competitor
    6. Investor update/reporting dashboard

    General strategies for coming up with ideas:
    1. Excel opportunity
    2. The need for no-code
    3. B2B market holes

  2. Jasper Flour

    Both ideas 2 & 6 could quite easily be built internally using Stacker. Full disclosure, I work there, though I think using a no-code tool like Stacker would be a great way to build MVPs for these ideas. For example, with idea 2, you could start out by building a custom applicant tracker app in Stacker for a few paying clients & validate the idea –> see what early users like & don’t like –> iterate and improve –> nail down a version with a clear path to PMF –> build into a dedicated SaaS product.

    1. Jasper Flour

      @gideon That I wouldn’t be able to speak to as I haven’t dedicated any time towards validating either one. However, using no-code tools helps make this part of the process much easier (of course, you’ll also need to put some time in towards starting conversations & marketing your solution).

      That all in mind, if Rob is suggesting these ideas, then I’d say they’re solid jumping off points at the very least. With the depth of knowledge and experience he has to work with, I’d be surprised to see any idea he suggests drastically miss the mark.

  3. Grow with Will - SEO, Sales & Entrepreneurship

    Woah. These are mind-blowing ideas. Your approach to helping and supporting your followers and fellow entrepreners is top tier, man!

  4. Alros Avellana

    I literally just got your book and then ran into this video! I was like .. his name sounds familiar.. WAIT its the author of the book!
    this is awesome! thank you so much

  5. Edwardo Castillo

    Thank you for the inspiration, my wife and I are both choosing to become software developers and work together on projects. Micro SAAS seems like way to learn and make some cash in the process.

  6. TJ Bradfield

    I have an incredible idea for a “add on” SaaS that’s small but will help a TON of online businesses.

    How do I go about finding a developer to partner with on it?

    I don’t have much money but I do have sales and marketing experience.

    I really wanna blow this thing up! I just need a developer to partner with.

  7. Wasswa Samuel

    @MicroConf The first one Podcast workflow management stands out for me but I am not a podcast owner. I wonder if you could list a few must have features for creating a podcast workflow. I imagine every one does it a little differently but there are core things that all podcast owners must do.

  8. Artem Khromov

    I was making a #2 idea (accelerator applicant tracker / batch management tool) in 2021. This tool is viable if it its anchored to a specific accelerator or VC fund from the beginning. Unfortunately we had to suspend this project, but if anyone is interested in catching it up or just discussion, feel free to reach out to me on any social network.

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